Shiva Bio Bottle 750ml
  • Shiva Bio Bottle 750ml
  • Shiva Bio Bottle 750ml

Shiva Bio Bottle 750ml

Categories: Drinkware, Sports Bottles, ECO , Reusable , Biodegradable , ECO Drinkware, Sustainable

From £1.57

The Shiva Bio-Bottle is 100% biodegradable, yet maintains the same look and feel as other bottles. The Tacx sponsored Tour de France teams use these bottles. It is made from polyethylene and a revolutionary masterbatch additive. Composting takes 1-5 years or can be recycled. 750ml capacity. Other caps available at an additional cost.

100 200 500
£3.09 £2.27 £1.57
Price per unit
ColourAqua, Black, Clear, Dark Blue, Fluorescent Pink, Fluorescent Yellow, Light Blue, Light Green, Medium Blue, Orange, Red, Silver, Transparent Black, White, Yellow
Lead Time12 working days
Price IncludesPrinted 1 Colour 1 Position
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