Chilly's Bottle 260ml
  • Chilly's Bottle 260ml
  • Chilly's Bottle 260ml
  • Chilly's Bottle 260ml

Chilly's Original Bottle 260ml

Categories: Drinkware, Reusable Bottles , Brands, Chilly's Bottles

From £14.96

Chilly's 260ml Drinking Bottle. Advanced double wall insulation keeps drinks cold for 24 hours or hot for 12 hours.  Leak proof, eco-friendly and durable. BPA Free, Phthalate Free, Toxin Free.

30 50 100
£16.51 £15.48 £14.96
Price per unit
ColourNavy, Green, Yellow, Maroon, Black, Grey, White, Pink, Turquoise, Dark Pink, Lilac, Aqua. Different finishes may vary in cost.
Lead Time14 working days
Price IncludesLaser Engraving 1 Position
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